Getting through phases when I am demotivated requires some discipline, and to support my future self, I'd like to collect some basic principles, here are some I came up with today:
- Appreciate the miracle that you are, conscious, and alive, existing in your body. This is by no means explainable, and will not be, anytime soon. This is proof that something exists at all. Beyond that, expect no further proofs.
- Trust is the basis of everything.
- Never get into discussions about God, Religion, Astrology and Homeopathy. These are just concepts made real by man. They are completely redudant.
- Empathy and compassion constitute morality.
- Don't multitask.
- Avoid interruptions.
- Finish what you began.
- Never begin what you don't plan to finish.
- Maximize contact, minimize constraints.
- Exercise regularly.
- Try to control every aspect of your environment. Its effect are so big on you that you can not leave that to chance.
- Get rid of everything you don't use, as fast as possible. The worth of unused items is always negative. Throwing them away brings more value to your life.
- Don't be distant, get and stay "into" situations or emotions. Try not to drift.
- Priorities to structure my day:
- Define clear goals and focus: Yes, every day again.
- Body: excercise.
- Environment: cleanup desk, etc.
- Getting rid of annoyances: that could be work, everything that bugs me. Be very sensitive. Don't let persisting annoyances make you slow and inflexible.
- My Projects
- Work for money: but if something is annoying, it is moved to 4.
- Helping friends stands above everything else.